Fairs and Conferences in which I have participated, and lectures that I have given:
Leksands Folkhögskola - SE, 2014
"Sample Books - A journey between fragments, memories and research"
WRITING - Design on your desk, 2013
Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milano - I
"Volume alla carta"
ACSG, 2013 - Milano - I
"Legature d'autore, il mestiere e l'arte"
Giornate tecniche Fontegrafica 2012
Palazzo Reale, Milano - I
"Legatoria, mestiere ed arte"
Stichting Handboekbinden,
Donateursdag 2012
Utrecht – NL
“De uitdagende concertina’s”
Associazione Orizzonti di Carta, 2011
Biblioteca Civica, Bassano del Grappa – I
“Concertine sconcertanti”
Society of Bookbinders
University of Warwick – UK
“Challenging concertinas - a binding structure with multiple applications”
St. Pieterskerk, Leiden – NL